Baby On Board!


OFFICIALLY WORKING OUT FOR TWO! My husband and I recently found out that we are expecting! We decided that we were going to do off Birth Control in August right before our wedding so that maybe we had a chance of convieving on our wedding night. However, I ran out of birth control in mid July and decided instead of going back to the doctors to get one more pack of BC that I might as well just finish my last pack and call it a day. I was sure it would take a least a month to get a regular period again and get the BC out of my system. WRONG! I got knocked up on the very first try after stopping my pills. Either I’m a fertle mertle or my husband has got some seriously strong swimmers 🙂

I realized I was pregnant during my workouts. I have learned during my very extensive PRE & POST NATAL Certification that if you are very in tune with your body you will likely know you are pregnant before the test will even come up positive. I feel like I am one of those people who knows their body extremely well and that this might happen for me, and it totally did. I swear I actually felt the ‘egg drop’. My husband thinks I’m crazy, but I believe I did.

I realized I was pregnant during my workout when my heart rate was a bit higher than usual (I always workout with my Pear Sports APP and HR Monitor), I just felt off. My first thought was that I must be dehydrated. So after my workout (on Friday) I made sure that I was probably nourished and hydrated. The next day (Saturday), same thing! I’m like WHAT is going on?! I must be pregs! I went home took a test and it was negative. I’m like okayyyyyy maybe I am fighting something off. I took a rest day on Sunday and Monday just laid low. Tuesday (LEG DAY) came around and I thought, ok I rested, I didn’t get sick, I hydrated, I’ve been eating nutrient packed foods, I know I am not deficient in anything, so I headed to my workout and BAM Heart Rate was high again. I knew during that workout, I am 100% pregnant. I have ruled out all other options. I am taking another test when I get home, and I did, and it was POSITIVE. So exciting!

I was 6 weeks pregnant on my wedding day. I had (and still have) waves of feeling sick, but overall was good! We were able to keep it a secret long enough to surprise our parents while our wedding photograpgher captured their reactions. It was priceless!



I have been working out (at the same intensity) all throughout my pregnancy so far.  I feel great, I feel strong and therefore there is no reason for me to tone it down, yet:)  After the first 2 weeks my heart rate returned to normal for me and I began feeling good 9 out of 10 of my workouts. My workouts are still HIIT style and challenging to my fitness level.  My heart rate stills climbs into the 170’s and even up to 180BPM during sprints and all out efforts, for me this is a BPM that I am very familiar with and have been training at these levels for years. This is SAFE for my fitness level and actually beneficial for both myself and my baby.  I plan on staying at the same level I am at right now, for as long as possible.  Of course, if something feels really off or I am having a rare day where I am feeling over fatigued, I will of course listen to my body, as should you. Every pregnancy and woman is very different, so just because I feel great now, who knows I could be hanging over the toliet for 14 weeks with my next one! My reccomendation is to just take advantage of the good days and get out and be active when are you are feeling up for it!

Right now my workout schedule pretty much goes as follows:

Monday: 1 mile run plus 45-60 Minutes of Upper Body

Tuesday: Legs and Butt (HIIT style) for 60 minutes (use 25-35 LBS Dummbells)

Wednesday: Back and Abs (sometimes chest) 30-45 Minutes of AMRAP formatted weight training

Thursday: 30 minutes of HIIT Treadmill Running (sprints, hills, hill sprints, walking, jogging) plus 30 minutes of core isloated strength training.

Friday: Off Day Usually

Saturday: 30 Minutes of HIIT treadmill running (sprints, hills, hill sprints, walking, jogging) plus 30 minutes of Total Body (Use 20-30 LBS dummbells)

Sunday: Active Recovery (usually rest completely or ride bikes casually on the beach for 1-2 hours)

Keep in mind I also teach about 12 classes a week and have 5-10 private sessions a week as well. Hello Active Mama! This is MY normal. I will continue MY normal for as much of my pregnancy as possible. My doctor is not only on board but very supportive of my active and healthy pregnancy. She is well aware that staying under 140 BPM is nothing but an old tradition and has ZERO scientific backing and encourages me to continue with my fitness level for as long as possible.


Here is a little snap shot of my workout log on my Pear. This would have been week 7-8 during my pregnancy.

Here are some quick Facts from Dr. James Clapp on Fitness & Pregnancy:

Mother’s who exercise moderately (this DOES NOT include walking) during pregnancy give birth to babies who have:

-increased physical health scores

-increased intelligence scores

-fewer fetal interventions

-fewer pregnancy complications

-improved nutrient and waste exchange”

My main goal in sharing my pregnancy journey with you is to lift the FEAR that women have for continuing to work out at a moderate to intense level during pregnancy.  So if you have negative comments to add, feel free to hit the X box and find another blog to read.  This is a positive space, filled with empowering FACTS about fitness and pregnancy and negativity will not be tolerated in any way.

Until Next Time,

Nancy Xo

3 thoughts on “Baby On Board!

  1. Omg I am so ad I found your blog! I am 5 weeks pregnant currently and have been running and working out regularly for years. (Tan 4 half stations and countless 5 and 10ks). I do not go In to the doc for another couple weeks and I ksut don’t want to be in fear of working out until then. My usually running rate is 170-175bpm. While doing classes and such it is easy for my he to get into the 180s during a good HIIT circuit. I was just like you when about a week or so ago I was in class and my hr shot up to 165 just in a warm up. I was like holy crap that was fast. And I was SOO thirsty during my workouts. Could not get enough water although I walk around w a gallon jug! I am so glad o found you!!

      • No worries! Thanks for your message. I am so glad you found me too! It’s SO common for women to be fearful of exercise when they get pregnant. I mean, its so understandable… all of a sudden you find out you have a life growing inside of you and your first instinct is to do everything to protect and nurture it. Just women usually think the best way to do those two things is by stopping or cutting back exercise, but it’s actually the exact opposite! You set the whole tone for your pregnancy in your first trimester. I am now 24+ weeks and just this morning sprinted at 12.5 MPH (30 seconds on 45 seconds off) on a treadmill over and over taking my heartrate to 180BPM. This is so NORMAL for me and totally safe! Kudos to you for getting the facts and getting educated so that you can feel confident in your fitness routine and not have to worry or second guess what you are doing. I have to say finding a doctor that was too educated on fitness and pregnancy was HUGE for me. I just feel that much MORE confidant since my doctor told me to keep going and has been supportive of everything I do. As long as you’re hydrated and nurished keep doing what you do! It will help you build a strong healthy baby while keeping you strong healthy and comfortable for much longer into pregnancy!! Congrats on the exciting news! XOXO

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