Your Pregnancy Fitness Plan


I can’t say enough times how important your fitness is before during and after pregnancy to make your journey healthy, happy and comfortable.  A lot of women however don’t know what to do or where to start.  So here is a fitness guide for those looking to get on to a plan if you are trying to get pregnant or are pregnant and looking to implement a safe and effective exercise routine for you and your little one.  I have developed a total package pregnancy fitness plan that can be downloaded on the Pear Sports Fitness App.  My voice literally comes right into your headphones and trains you through each and every pregnancy workout.  I monitor your heart rate for you, offer you modifications as well as provide motivation and education along the way. Learn more about the plan below!


First things first, if you are thinking about pregnancy or trying to get pregnant, now it the time to start your pregnancy plan.  It’s NOT too early.  For women who are planning a pregnancy, establishing a fitness routine is an important part of the process. Nancy considered herself “Pre-Natal” for about 6 months before conceiving and she has her clients do the same. When her clients are planning to get pregnant, she begins implementing pregnancy training techniques into their programming. Learning how to properly breathe, engage the core, and improve the level of their strength and conditioning is going to set them up for a successful pregnancy. If you are looking to get pregnant this plan is a great place for you to start working on these techniques and building your pregnancy fitness baseline before conception. Going into your pregnancy with this baseline of fitness and core strength will set you up for success, support your body throughout the pregnancy, while also helping your body to bounce back quickly post-pregnancy.



Setting the foundation for your pregnancy by learning how to breathe and strengthening your core is most important during this time. All workouts on Nancy’s pregnancy plan are safe and effective to use during all trimesters, but it is recommended that the Labor Training Cardio workouts, Core Strength and Leg & Butt routines be done every week this trimester- that is if nausea will allow you to! Keep in mind that daily exercise in general is going to help during this period as it will assist in alleviating morning sickness, fatigue and weight fluctuation – common issues experienced in the first three months.

Taking time to go through the skill sessions on Nancy’s pregnancy plan (Core/TVA 101, Baby Breathing 101 and Pelvic Floor 101) on her pregnancy plan will allow you to become familiar with these important concepts and help you be able to successfully implement them during your pregnancy workouts. Nancy will remind you throughout all of her workouts how to do all of these things, but the 101 skill sessions are going to give you a foundation of knowledge on these concepts, explaining why they are so important to master during the upcoming months.



All workouts on Nancy’s pregnancy plan are safe and effective to use during all trimesters, but it is recommended that the focus this trimester be a blend of a few things.  She suggests expecting Mama’s work on total body toning, core strength, and labor training cardio at this time. It’s important to make sure we are completing our upper body strength workouts, bringing some increased attention to your posture muscles, which by strengthening will reap benefits post-delivery, as women often hunch their backs while holding their babies or during breastfeeding.

Keep in mind that using Nancy’s labor training workouts will assist in preparing both you and baby for the demand that contractions will place on both of you during labor. Remember practice makes perfect! Labor training will help to ensure you and baby are prepared for the big day and will assist in making your labor shorter, easier and your pushing during delivery more effective!



As you belly continues to grow and you start to really feeling the difference from the pregnancy weight you have gained, you might notice that you feel a bit more fatigued during your workouts. Keep in mind that there are modifications for all trimesters and fitness levels in all of the workouts in Nancy’s pregnancy plan and she recommends you listen to your body and take those modifications when needed. It’s also important to consider that some days you might need to take longer rests periods during your workouts. Nancy encourages you to hit the ‘pause’ button when you need to, take a breather, then join back in when you’re ready.

In the home stretch of your pregnancy, it is important to keep up with your Labor Training Cardio and all core strength and toning routines. Even if your workouts are scaled back and your dumbbells are lighter, you have already built such a strong foundation of fitness from the first two trimesters, that you will still get all the benefits for you and baby. Just remember to try to keep moving! Working out will bring you energy, health benefits for you and baby, plus will help to alleviate the aches and pains that come towards the end of pregnancy.


Download the free Pear Sports Fitness App on your smartphone and search under my name, “Nancy Anderson” and you will find the full pregnancy you can download and get started ASAP.  Not sure what workout to do on the plan and when? Here is a 4 week starter workout schedule to get your started.  Keep in mind that I also customized online training programs for pregnancy and post pregnancy Mama’s as well. To contact me about customized plans please email me:

To print out your 4 week starter schedule click here:

For more information on Pregnancy Fitness and this plan check out our homepage:


Baby Bumpdate 27 Weeks!


It’s been a while since I’ve done a little bumpdate.  I am officially in my final week of the 2nd trimester at 27 weeks pregnant. The longer I am pregnant the more excited I get for baby to get here- and I am relieved about that.  I was nervous I was going to get more and more terrified the closer we got to our due date, but it’s actually the opposite.  I feel really calm about becoming a Mother and a getting more and more excited to meet our little one.

I start training for my natural birth at the end of February.  I’ve decided to go with Hypnobabies, which has come very highly recommended from friends, clients, doctors and my doula.  I am so excited to get started.  You attend a 3 hour class every week for 6 weeks then have independent study to do every night up until delivery.  I’ll keep you posted on how it goes.


I am still working out 4-6 days a week, still teaching and training my one-on-one clients.  My workouts still consist of strength training and conditioning as well as labor training and high intensity intervals. I am still lifting the same weights I did pre-pregnancy (15-30 LBS DBS depending on the muscle group and format of my workout).  Lifting weights is def easier for me than interval training on the treadmill at this point.  Running is still fine- some days are awesome and some days the baby is a weird position and its just uncomfortable so I scale it back a little bit.  When baby is in a good position though- I am able to go hard. Being able to get after it on the tread doesn’t happen every workout anymore due to the baby’s positioning, so when he is cooperating I take advantage of it!

For example this morning, he was in  a good position so I was able to do sprint intervals at 12.0 MPH, no problem. Some days he is in a weird position and my sprints are more like 9.0-10.0MPH.  It just depends.  Long intervals on the tread (more than 2 minutes) are tough- I still do them, I just have to be a little less aggressive with my speeds.  It’s just fatiguing. It’s not that my heart rate is getting too high even, it’s just a lot harder/more exhausting than I remember pre-pregnancy.  If you speak Barry’s lingo, long intervals my jog pace is 5.0MPH and intervals that are 2 minutes or less I can usually hang at 6.0MPH.  It also depends on the instructor and what they have planned for the day.

I have started to notice that my hips do get sore from running, so that’s also part of it.  I read this is common on some runner blogs so I wasn’t too shocked when it started happening.  I space my treadmill/running workouts out a little more strategically to make sure I’m not running hard back to back days, to help avoid any injuries during pregnancy.  My heart rate still EASILY gets into the 170’s and up into 180’s during my high intensity treadmill intervals.  That doesn’t mean I think everyone should do this- I’m simply sharing this info because I know some women are scared to raise their heart rate when pregnant, so I just like to show women that I go WAY up and beyond what some doctors recommend and baby and I are perfectly healthy. In fact, every single time we have had an ultrasound or the doctor listens to the baby’s heart beat, they ALWAYS comment on how loud and strong his heart is.  Studies have now proven that working out during pregnancy makes your babies heart healthier.  It’s empowering when my doctors reinforce my fitness plan and how it is already showing to positively effect my babies health.  It’s a very rewarding feeling!


So far, 27 weeks in, I have gained  about 12 pounds.  They say I’ll probably average 1/2 pound a week from here on out.  This would put my total pregnancy weight gain around 18.5 LBS.  Anywhere from 20-25 LBS for me is what my doctor said she is happy with, so I’ll end up right around there which is great.  Of course, the closer to 20 the better (from my point of view), but either way it doesn’t really matter.  As long as I stay within her recommended weight gain for me, I’ll be happy.  I know I’ll get it all off. It’s actually my muscle mass I’m worried about.  Looking back, I wish I would have measured my arms and quads before getting pregs cause I swear I’m losing muscle mass, which makes me SO SAD.  LOL. If I could pick, I’d rather gain more weight during pregs and not lose any muscle mass.  It just takes SO long to put muscle mass on, it’s kind of depressing thinking about having to back track and build it up again.


Wow- so much to think about.  Do I want to eat my placenta? Should we bank the baby’s cord? Should we space out vaccinations? Man. Been doing lots of reading articles and trying to figure out whats the best way for our family. I probably will eat my placenta though.  It’s hard to argue with the studies on this. Yummy 🙂


What is Labor Training and Why is it Necessary?


MY WORKOUTS:  My workouts have been pretty good!  I don’t do long high intensity intervals (working above my Lactic Threshold for longer than 3 minutes at a time) any longer but so far that’s been my only modification. I am still comfortably using 20-30 pound dumbbells for all of my HIIT style workouts for all muscle groups and expect for this to continue my whole pregnancy. My favorite thing to do right now are sprints.  30-60 seconds on 30-60 seconds off are my JAM right now and I’m feeling stronger than ever with these.  Still able to reach 12.0MPH plus an incline 1-6% is still totally doable for me.  This is great bc its a perfect way to labor train (contraction specific bursts) This is taking your perceived exertion to a 7-9 out of a scale of 1-10 (10 being you absolutely can not give any more you are at 100% effort).  When I do HIIT on the treadmill my CSB (contraction specific bursts) I take it to a 9 out of 10 which for me brings my heart rate well into the 170’s-180 BPM.  This being because of my fitness level and the fact that I feel totally 100% comfortable with working out at this level.  My doctor is 100% on board with this and knows exactly how hard I work out and encourages me to continue for as long as I am capable.  You can still get the same benefits of labor training by only going to a 7 out of 10, but you really do need to reach at least a 7 to get these benefits shared in this post.


Labor Training is the best way for you and baby to prepare for the stress that will out on both of you during labor. Through exercise (CSB aka harder working intervals) you will challenge your body’s physiology to mimic labor contractions. This prepares your body and the baby’s body (mentally and physically) for baby pushin’ time.


1. CHALLENGE YOUR BREATHING RATE:  Doing so will condition you for labor! View your delivery as a workout.  If you are used to working intervals (stressing your body, then recovering), contractions will be easier for you to handle and work through.

2. CONTRACTION SPECIFIC BURSTS: Since these are supposed to mimic the real contractions you will experience during labor, your intervals or CSB should last for the length average contractions will last (usually between 30-90 seconds).

3. REST PERIODS: Just like during labor, you will get rest in-betweeen contractions, so you want to do that same thing in your workouts. After a higher intensity interval, rest, breathe, and recover.  Mental imagery can be incorporated here as well.  During your recoveries, picture every part of your body and your baby’s body recovering from this interval or contraction. Relax your body, relax your muscles, and picture it all happening. Imagine your labor and delivery going exactly how you want it.  Your baby is perfect and is delivered with ease.   Your labor is smooth, quick, and healthy. Remember your thoughts create reality!


Cardio machines work well for this! Jump on your cardio machine of choice and set your intervals 30-90 seconds of 70-90% effort followed by 30-90 seconds of slow moving recovery practicing that mental imagery (and belly breathing).

Many other exercises with or without weights can work well for labor training.  Burpees for example can work well!  As you get later in your pregnancy it gets uncomfortable for some to continue exercises like Burpees, so opting for that cardio option might be the best bet.

Preparing for labor is so important and overlooked by many expecting Moms and sometimes unfortunately doctors as well.  The best thing you can do is educate yourself on all the benefits of at least moderate exercise during pregnancy by reading new studies, articles, and books (such as Dr. James Clapp Book “Exercising through your pregnancy” volume 1 and or 2).

Having to have the doctors intervene in the delivery room with potentially harmful medicines such as pitocin along with suction (vacuum), forceps, c-section is potentially dangerous for you and baby. Educating yourself on these common interventions is super important.  Something as simple as moderate exercise WILL lower your chances of having to have ANY of those interventions in your delivery room.

BENEFITS FOR YOU: Research has proven that working out moderately during pregnancy has been proven to:

– Lower risk for Gestational Diabetes

– Lower risk of a c-section

– Speed up labor

– Prevents excess weight gain during pregnancy (duh’s)

– Less maternal labor pain

– Less maternal pregnancy discomfort


BENEFITS FOR BABY: Research has proven the following benefits that exercising moms can give their unborn children:

– Increased physical health scores, immediately upon birth and lasting into adulthood

– Increased intelligence scores for life

– Increased confidence & ability to self-soothe

– Fewer fetal interventions

– Fewer complications

– Infants of exercising women do significantly better on the Bayley Scales of Infant Development (BSID) which are used to diagnose infants for cognitive, motor, and behavioral development.

– Studies show babies born of exercising women do better on standardized intelligence, general intelligence, and oral language tests at one year of age and after.

– Even five years after birth, children of women who exercised were in better shape than children of mothers who did not exercise.

(Research sited from Dr. Clapps 10 years of studying exercising through pregnancy)  Note that Dr. Clapps research came from women who were doing MORE than just walking during their pregnancies.

Written by Nancy Anderson, Certified Pre & Post Natal Specialist and CPT with a Master’s Degree in Exercise Science and over 8 years of experience in the field.

Baby On Board!


OFFICIALLY WORKING OUT FOR TWO! My husband and I recently found out that we are expecting! We decided that we were going to do off Birth Control in August right before our wedding so that maybe we had a chance of convieving on our wedding night. However, I ran out of birth control in mid July and decided instead of going back to the doctors to get one more pack of BC that I might as well just finish my last pack and call it a day. I was sure it would take a least a month to get a regular period again and get the BC out of my system. WRONG! I got knocked up on the very first try after stopping my pills. Either I’m a fertle mertle or my husband has got some seriously strong swimmers 🙂

I realized I was pregnant during my workouts. I have learned during my very extensive PRE & POST NATAL Certification that if you are very in tune with your body you will likely know you are pregnant before the test will even come up positive. I feel like I am one of those people who knows their body extremely well and that this might happen for me, and it totally did. I swear I actually felt the ‘egg drop’. My husband thinks I’m crazy, but I believe I did.

I realized I was pregnant during my workout when my heart rate was a bit higher than usual (I always workout with my Pear Sports APP and HR Monitor), I just felt off. My first thought was that I must be dehydrated. So after my workout (on Friday) I made sure that I was probably nourished and hydrated. The next day (Saturday), same thing! I’m like WHAT is going on?! I must be pregs! I went home took a test and it was negative. I’m like okayyyyyy maybe I am fighting something off. I took a rest day on Sunday and Monday just laid low. Tuesday (LEG DAY) came around and I thought, ok I rested, I didn’t get sick, I hydrated, I’ve been eating nutrient packed foods, I know I am not deficient in anything, so I headed to my workout and BAM Heart Rate was high again. I knew during that workout, I am 100% pregnant. I have ruled out all other options. I am taking another test when I get home, and I did, and it was POSITIVE. So exciting!

I was 6 weeks pregnant on my wedding day. I had (and still have) waves of feeling sick, but overall was good! We were able to keep it a secret long enough to surprise our parents while our wedding photograpgher captured their reactions. It was priceless!



I have been working out (at the same intensity) all throughout my pregnancy so far.  I feel great, I feel strong and therefore there is no reason for me to tone it down, yet:)  After the first 2 weeks my heart rate returned to normal for me and I began feeling good 9 out of 10 of my workouts. My workouts are still HIIT style and challenging to my fitness level.  My heart rate stills climbs into the 170’s and even up to 180BPM during sprints and all out efforts, for me this is a BPM that I am very familiar with and have been training at these levels for years. This is SAFE for my fitness level and actually beneficial for both myself and my baby.  I plan on staying at the same level I am at right now, for as long as possible.  Of course, if something feels really off or I am having a rare day where I am feeling over fatigued, I will of course listen to my body, as should you. Every pregnancy and woman is very different, so just because I feel great now, who knows I could be hanging over the toliet for 14 weeks with my next one! My reccomendation is to just take advantage of the good days and get out and be active when are you are feeling up for it!

Right now my workout schedule pretty much goes as follows:

Monday: 1 mile run plus 45-60 Minutes of Upper Body

Tuesday: Legs and Butt (HIIT style) for 60 minutes (use 25-35 LBS Dummbells)

Wednesday: Back and Abs (sometimes chest) 30-45 Minutes of AMRAP formatted weight training

Thursday: 30 minutes of HIIT Treadmill Running (sprints, hills, hill sprints, walking, jogging) plus 30 minutes of core isloated strength training.

Friday: Off Day Usually

Saturday: 30 Minutes of HIIT treadmill running (sprints, hills, hill sprints, walking, jogging) plus 30 minutes of Total Body (Use 20-30 LBS dummbells)

Sunday: Active Recovery (usually rest completely or ride bikes casually on the beach for 1-2 hours)

Keep in mind I also teach about 12 classes a week and have 5-10 private sessions a week as well. Hello Active Mama! This is MY normal. I will continue MY normal for as much of my pregnancy as possible. My doctor is not only on board but very supportive of my active and healthy pregnancy. She is well aware that staying under 140 BPM is nothing but an old tradition and has ZERO scientific backing and encourages me to continue with my fitness level for as long as possible.


Here is a little snap shot of my workout log on my Pear. This would have been week 7-8 during my pregnancy.

Here are some quick Facts from Dr. James Clapp on Fitness & Pregnancy:

Mother’s who exercise moderately (this DOES NOT include walking) during pregnancy give birth to babies who have:

-increased physical health scores

-increased intelligence scores

-fewer fetal interventions

-fewer pregnancy complications

-improved nutrient and waste exchange”

My main goal in sharing my pregnancy journey with you is to lift the FEAR that women have for continuing to work out at a moderate to intense level during pregnancy.  So if you have negative comments to add, feel free to hit the X box and find another blog to read.  This is a positive space, filled with empowering FACTS about fitness and pregnancy and negativity will not be tolerated in any way.

Until Next Time,

Nancy Xo

Spirit Knows Best! It’s a BOY!


Really crazy and amazing to see how much your baby grows between 8 and 12 weeks of your pregnancy.  It’s pretty hard to NOT believe in some sort of higher power when you see this miracle happening in front of your very eyes and inside your own body. Pretty incredible!

We did the blood testing with all of the usual testing for trimester one, all of which came back perfectly normal thank goodness.  We also opted to find out the sex in this blood test.  I had been SURE of what gender I was having long before I was ever pregnant.  I am very spiritual and meditate on the regular basis and I have been seeing a little boy in my meditation and in my dreams for quite some time now.  This was justified for me when several Spiritual Mediums last year also told me, ‘You have a baby boy on the way, you are going to get pregnant very fast and this boy has already picked you out to be his Mom’.  This made perfect sense to me, because I had been seeing him any way, and I now knew who he was (thanks to these Mediums communicating with spirit).  They were right on, I DID get pregnant right away (faster than I even thought possible to be honest) and we found out with 99.9% reassurance that I AM in fact carrying a baby BOY.

This was big for me, because this really helped to assure me to trust my intuition and listen to my gut with all things because God, our spirit guides and passed loved ones give us signs and symbols all of the time, and if we have an open mind and are open to receiving these messages we WILL receive them.  For me this helps me feel better connected to God, passed loved ones, and my own spirituality.


Ironically, ever since I have been pregnant, I have seen my son less and less in dreams and in meditation.  The last time I saw him he was looking through window blinds at me, leaving me with the impression that he is now on his way and he will me watching me and my husband until his human arrival date, which my intuition tells me will be April 25, 2015.  This is the day after my Father’s Death anniversary date and I believe is a re-birth day for us.  My gut tells me this is the day my son will arrive.  We’ll see!

Until Next Time!


Hello Second Trimester!


That was fast!  I am now officially am a little over 14 weeks pregnant and in my 2nd trimester.  I had a week where I was fighting off a cold and I was super tired all week.  I def made the time to take a few naps and get in extra nutrient rich foods to help my body fight it off.

Overall, my first trimester (thank goodness) was pretty much a breeze.  Every woman and pregnancy is absolutely different and I did experience a bit of sickness in the very beginning of my first trimester (week 6-9 probably) but I kept active and hydrated anyway and I really believe that helped me cope with any sickness I felt.

Through my Pre Natal certification I was taught how important maintaining an active healthy lifestyle is during pregnancy and now that I am going through it myself and I have implemented this, I can contest, it makes a HUGE difference.  These are some things I have made sure to do in my first trimester that I believe totally helped make my first trimester be easy breezy…

-8 hours of sleep EVERY night

-Drinking a TON of water

-Eating RIGHT, not eating or binging on processed & chemical filled junk food

-Working out even when I didn’t want to!

I am still getting in 5 workouts a week and maintaining my fitness level.  I did start to notice last week that it is a little bit harder for me to do the treadmill intervals that I do about 2-3 days a week.  This is a big part of my labor training and I will modify as needed, but will continue with this type of training for as long as possible. This is one of the best ways to prepare myself and my baby for labor, so although I might have to drop the intensity eventually, I will continue to do contraction specific bursts in my workout program! So far I have still be able to maintain my usual speeds and jog pace, I have just been walking more of my recoveries instead of jogging them.

So far I have gained 0 pounds for anyone wondering!! It is actually totally OK to not gain weight in the first trimester.  Due to feeling a little sick in the beginning I actually lost 2 pounds right off the bat.  I have now gained those 2 pounds back, but am still at my pre pregnancy weight.  I have a feeling that will change though, very soon 🙂

Until Next Time!


Workout Of The Day! WOD


Happy Tuesday Everyone! Here is a quick and efficient workout of the day. This cardio workout includes a healthy dose of hills, sprints and jogging/walking recoveries. This workout will torch fat and calories in no time at all. To get more workouts like this, check out the Pear Sports APP for FREE!

Talking HIIT!


Talking HIIT: The basics

HIIT is all the rage right now. I mean,  like everyone is doing it 😉

But seriously, HIIT training is definitely the best bang for your buck if you are looking to promote lean mass while torching as much fat and calories as possible for long after your workout. 

WHAT IT IS EXACTLY: HIIT protocol is pretty basic. Plain and simple, you spike your HR up and drop it back down, then repeat. Over and over.  These intervals can be cardio or weight focused. 

HOW TO MAKE YOUR WORKOUT HIIT: My personal opinion and what I have seen get the best results with myself and my clients is spiking their heart rate into the bottom of Zone 5 and then doing an active recovery or complete rest until they drop into the bottom of Zone 3 and then repeat.

I always practice Zone 5 to Zone 3 method with active recovery in between.  By no means am I saying this is the only way, but this is what I have seen to work the best with my experience. I don’t recommend resting for time in between (30,60,90 seconds) because everyone will be different and have different recovery times.  To make it authentic, once your heart rate gets back to the bottom of Zone 3 (however long it takes) then you know it’s time to do your next interval!  Make sense?

I  do recommend using a HR monitor (preferably PEARsports where you can also get tons of HIIT workouts for free on their APP along with the heart rate strap (  If you are not using a HR monitor then yes, you will need to work and rest for timed intervals.  I would say rest or do an active recovery for 30 seconds – 2 Minutes in between intervals depending on your fitness level.


A) Dumbbell Burpee Row to Pushup        (Until you hit Zone 5)

B) Bicycle Crunch                                          (Until you hit Zone 3)


THE AFTERBURN EFFECT: By spiking and dropping your heart rate in this manner your body will be demanding energy and oxygen from your body.  It will be demanding oxygen so fast that your body will not be able to keep up, and this is what we want!  This will cause our bodies to go in to what we call “oxygen debt”.  You know you are in oxygen debt when you are feeling the lactic burn and fatigue and you are breathing heavy!  This is going to keep your body working hard long after you have completed your workout so it can ‘repay’ this oxygen debt.  Sometimes more than 24 hours after your workout. 

Tread the Holiday Calories Away!

Tis the Season of over-eating! Get a head start on burning those Christmas party calories with this treading workout.

Directions: Choose your jog pace!

5.0 MPH = Beginner 6.0 MPH = Intermediate 7.0 MPH = Advanced

Whatever YOUR jog pace, the rest of the speeds of this workout will go off of your jog pace. So if it says “+2 mph” and your jog pace is 6.0mph, then you will increase your speed to 8.0 mph. Make sense? OK- get after this workout, then get back here and let me know how you did!

Jog 3 Min

+1 30 seconds

+2 30 seconds

+3 30 seconds

Jog Pace 1 minute

2% Incline, +1.5 mph 30 seconds

4% Incline, +1 mph 30 seconds

6% Incline, +.5 mph 30 seconds

Jog Pace 1 minute

3% Incline, +1.5 mph 30 seconds

6% Incline, +1 mph 30 seconds

9% Incline, +.5 mph 30 seconds

Jog Pace 2 minutes

+2.5 mph 1 minute

5% Incline Jog Pace 1 minute

+3 mph 1 minute

5% Incline Jog pace 1 minute

+3.5 mph 1 minute

5% Incline Jog Pace 1 minute

+4 mph 1 minute

5% Jog Pace 1 minute

+4.5 mph 1 minute

Jog Pace 2 minutes

Walk 2 minutes


Total Time: 24.5 Minutes

Be the Influence!
