37 Weeks BumpDate


3 more weeks (hopefully but it really could be 5 weeks) until I push this little monkey earth bound!

I am ready to not be pregnant anymore!  I hear women say how much they LOVE/D being pregnant. Lol. I’m gonna be honest, that woman is not me.  It’s been an amazing experience and I feel connected and in love with this little person instead of me that I haven’t even seen yet, but I really dis like the feeling of having a bowling ball in my belly.

I think what I have learned the most during the past 9+ months is how amazing and capable our bodies are (as women).  I’ve learned that as long as I am healthy and give my body and baby’s body what it needs (proper nutrition, movement, and hydration) that I can trust my body without any fear to grow and birth a healthy baby.

I have unfortunately been dealing with some symphysis pubic dysfunction the past few months.  I ran/sprinted pretty hard up until 8 months then the SPD really started to kick in and running became not-so-possible for me anymore.  For those who don’t know SPD is one of those weird pregnancy conditions that basically means the ligaments that usually keep your pelvic bone aligned during pregnancy becomes quite relaxed- too relaxed and stretchy. This makes your pubic joint unstable and causes some discomfort. When I do side lunges, runner lunges (extended lunge) or ANY band work for hami’s/glutes it also causes discomfort to the point that it feels like I am on the verge of pulling a muscle down there.  Once this discomfort got to a certain level, I just decided with help of my P/T and doctors that it would probably be a good idea to avoid running hard anymore for the risk of pulling a muscle.  I can’t imagine trying to have a natural birth and having a pulled muscle in my vagina area- EEK. No thanks.

Instead of running, I’ve been walking. BORING. Ugh.  However, this is exactly why my mindset in the beginning of pregnancy to go “as hard as possible” for “as long as possible” bc you never know when something is going to come up later in your pregnancy that is going to limit your fitness/movement. I’m still able to lift weights, and now I do that even more often now that I can’t run- about 5 days a week.

I am at 37 weeks and I’ve gained about 21 lbs right now through my pregnancy… although it goes up or down by a lbs or so depending on the day 🙂 To be honest this is more than I thought I would gain the whole pregnancy.  I have heard of women gaining only like 17 lbs during their whole pregnancy and I just assumed that would be me too, but not so much.  I have never dieted throughout the pregnancy and really just listened to my body- when I’m hungry, I eat, and 80% of the time I eat healthy options (although not monitoring carb intake- i don’t recommend doing this during preg anyway unless you have preeclampsia and/or your doctor has told you to) then the other 20% I cheat (clean) but still, I cheat 🙂

Overall the pregnancy has been pretty easy breezy and comfortable.  My discomfort down under is annoying but manageable and the tiredness of the third trimester has kicked in.  I take a nap when I can and get 8 hours of sleep at night.  This helps a lot!

Here is a pic of the nursery… just about all done and ready for his arrival.


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